Some CTIS Senior Projects supervised by Hamdi Murat Yıldırım
You can find information about other projects on the Department Senior project page.
Elnur Alizada, Samed Tarık Çetin, Şükrü Kırman, Beste Kübra Kulözü
BTES is an educational web-based platform about blockchain technology, catering towards absolutely everyone. With a simplified blockchain simulation; we will portray the exact structures of real-world blockchains, without suffocating the user with expert-level technical information. BTES will serve a sandbox simulation environment, enabling total control. Various control options will include pausing, undoing/redoing, inspecting the simulation, controlling the timescale, and so on. This sandbox control will grant the user with the ability to truly understand each step of the execution and how they fit together. It will also provide numerous interactive lessons that will step-by-step explain how a blockchain works. BTES will guide the user throughout the lesson with the help of informational prompts, automated execution control, various highlights, and so on. These lessons will help beginners to quickly start learning about the critical topics with an easy to follow structure.
Metehan Kara,Burak Karabakla, Çağatay Özata, Muammer Şahin
The purpose of the system is that while storing animals' medical reports, saving with secure system based on blockchain which is reachable in WEB and IOS platforms and also animal owners can use for their animals’ health in order to save animals’ health secure and help people who want to have a pet. Nowadays, animals’ health history is saved only animals which are taken to the vet and this recorded by vets. If those animals stopped to take the vets, this information do not store anymore. Moreover, there are many animals which live in streets, animals’ shelters, forests and so on do not have owners. Those animals’ health records are not stored and many of them suffer from many diseases. People want to have a pet and they want to ensure its health records.
Sarp Onur BOZKURT, Murat Kaan USTAOĞLU
Product Description: Aries is a cross platform application that will provide decentralized e-mail service. With the growing usage of social platforms and online communication, the need for privacy also became a requirement. The services we use are said to be free of charge but our private data is used for various reasons. Aries aims to provide the same quality of service compared to the centralized alternatives (e.g. Google) but without using/sharing the private data of its users for any means. Also by using the Blockchain technologies, our software will be able to handle anonymity and scalability without putting too much stress over the users’ devices
Murat Can Balık,Tunahan Bayındır, Ali İmran Özbatman, Bilal Berat Postalcıoğlu
MANErp is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that aims to solve several problems in logistics enterprises. Main purpose of the product is to enable customers to organize its resources by providing staff, company (customer and supplier), driver, vehicle modules and let them to manage its business processes by yielding accounting, order, voyage and agreement modules. In a typical voyage, logistics enterprises have at least 10-20 stations to visit. Therefore, in voyage management the product will offer the customers to optimize selected stations to decrease their voyage expenditures. Furthermore, the customers will be able to view a voyage’s stations on a map interface and there will be a mobile application for drivers to assist them during voyage by navigation feature and other route information. The product will be developed for Web, iOS and Android platforms
Burak Baş, Halis Çağatay Karakurt, Berker Demirer, Ayberk Baytok
Leprikon is a web application which aims to create and distribute crypto currency data sets. Data sets provided by Leprikon can help investors, goverments and banks to make accurate and trustworthy decisions for future actions on crypto currencies. Leprikon will let you to create flexible data set filtering options for your customized analysis and insight needs. Choose either from predefined mostly used filters or create yours. Leprikon constantly checks for new blockchain blocks as soon as new block is created Leprikon adds newly created block to its database for improved filtering Block data gathered by Leprikon is presented to users in a form of graphs. Users easily displays desired requests through easy-to-use dashboard.
Onur Çalışkan, Metiner Koçak, Ali Emirhan Kurt, Eren Manış
The amount of data that’s being created and stored on a global level is almost inconceivable, and it just keeps growing. Getting useful information from that amount huge and unstructured data is rising trend for today’s technology. Skyminer is forecasting financial reports for companies by analysing their past reports and to help future planning and managing. We use state of the art technologies for developing our infrastructure beside of our finance and statistical experts. Skyminer is available for web and mobile devices with variety of visual graphs and analysis for its customers to bring future to customers.
Centralized Server Administration System (2014_2015_Fall_Spring)
Onur Koçak, Furkan Şahin, Büşra Erkal, Alican Akhan
Project Description |
ServerTracker is a web based centralized Linux server administration tool that permits remote server administration, performance monitoring and reporting tasks to be done remotely from any internet capable device. It provides a means to securely perform essential system administration tasks, by integrating a Linux shell with a user-friendly and mobile compatible web interface. |
Collaborative Project Management System (2014_2015_Fall_Spring)
Barış Argun Polatkan, Onur Kaya, Tuğberk Kılıç, Özgün Toprak
Project Description |
This project aims to have a collaborative environment in which users can create and manage their software projects. The system offers its users to rate, review projects and share them via social media channels. To protect users and projects privacy the system works with digital signatures of the users and verifies them. The system supports version control system to ease software management and notify its users when there is a change with the project they are following. The system offers these features on a web-based service. This project aims to have a collaborative environment in which users can create and manage their software projects. The system offers its users to rate, review projects and share them via social media channels. To protect users and projects privacy the system works with digital signatures of the users and verifies them. The system supports version control system to ease software management and notify its users when there is a change with the project they are following. The system offers these features on a web-based service. This project aims to have a collaborative environment in which users can create and manage their software projects. The system offers its users to rate, review projects and share them via social media channels. To protect users and projects privacy the system works with digital signatures of the users and verifies them. The system supports version control system to ease software management and notify its users when there is a change with the project they are following. The system offers these features on a web-based service. |
Smart Software for Refrigerators (2013_2014_Fall_spring)
Atıl Fırat, Can Efe Bakırlıoğlu, Emin Can Kargı
Project Description |
The goal of this project is to develop a software system, which runs on a credit-card sized and cheap computer, the Raspberry Pi (RPi).In order to keep track of what is in refrigerator system will be need of user inputs. System is going to make the things easier for both refrigerator users and Market owners. It will connect these two actors on a web server integrated on RPi. By this way users will keep track of their goods comfortably. |
Web-Based File Operations (2013_2014_Fall_spring)
Şeyma Korkmaz, Senem Terzi, Yeşim İleri, Mustafa Karaman
Project Description |
The aim of our project to produce web-based file operations which require Linux console quick and easy to use for low and medium-level computer users. Because use of linux is an inadequate level, the project encourage users to use Linux.The similar of our project is that there are in web and desktop as an application so there are scattered around the different modules but our project will be collection of a pack. Sage math and Ipython which are interactive shells is the similar of our project but our project is less detailed than these and easy to understand and usable project. And also yet not a module about file operations in interactive shells. Therefore, our project intensify that module about file operations in web browser. Our project is open-source. |
Data Encryption with GPU (2012_2013_Fall_Spring)
Esra Nur Sarıoğolu, Esra Kubalı, Hakan Tüzel, Özgün Kıvanç Akçay
Project Description |
The aim of this project is to develop a software encrypting files with several block ciphers such as AES, Camellia and WIDEA on CPU, GPU or both CPU and GPU and providing benchmarks for comparing their implementations performance. This software is based on parallel computing platform and programming model CUDA, which has been widely deployed and supported by an installed base of CUDA-enabled Nvidia GPUs in notebooks, workstations, compute clusters, enabling the graphics processing unit (GPU) computing ( Unlike CPUs however, GPUs have a parallel throughput architecture that emphasizes executing many concurrent threads slowly, rather than executing a single thread very quickly. This approach of solving general purpose problems on GPUs is known as GPGPU . CUDA has been used to accelerate non-graphical applications in many fields including cryptography ( Block ciphers are important elementary components in the design of many cryptographic protocols, and are widely used to implement encryption of bulk data ( In this project, several block ciphers such as -two standardized ciphers- AES, Camellia and WIDEA, with CTR mode, in which data blocks can be encrypted in parallel, will be implemented on CPU, GPU or both CPU and GPU with CUDA Toolkit. Their performance will be compared by visualizing the test results. A new CUDA block cipher implementation should be easily integrated into this software. |
Collaborative RSS Management System (2011_2012_Fall_Spring)
Beste Yeşiltepe, Levent Kalay, Sercan Songür, Serkan Büyükşalvarcı
Project Description |
The aim of this project is to develop a web based RSS feeds management system enabling its users to create, edit, combine, share and tag RSS feeds, and create microblogs for them collaboratively. In this project, a web based system for managing RSS feeds collaboratively will be developed. Each user of this system is able to create RSS feeds from the scratch or combine existing ones (filter them according to given keywords when it is needed) or use his/her bookmark in order to create a new RSS feed. System users can publish RSS feeds either to everyone or selected group of system users by providing short description and tags. In addition to usual system users, there are editor users, who can manage categories for RSS feeds and determine which public RSS feeds are suitable to be published. RSS feeds should be categorized using tags associated with them. Each user can write short comments on RSS feeds and rate them. System should produce and display statistics about RSS feeds. |
CAR PC (2012_2013_Fall_Spring)
Kerem Yıldırım, İrem Yılmaz, Mert Hacipoğlu
Project Description |
The aim of this project is to develop a software system, which runs on a credit-card sized and cheap computer, the Raspberry Pi, responding to voice commands of a car driver for playing multimedia files; scheduling an event; viewing a calendar; learning weather forecasts and road conditions; getting stock market information and news topics; checking e-mails, etc. This software, which runs on a Raspberry Pi ( with accessories like microphone, 3g usb modem and small LCD screen etc, uses a open source speech recognition library/tool to translate spoken words of a car driver into a text. In this project, such a text is processed and then several web services are used to get the requested information or do related actions such as adding an event to a calendar, etc. A text to speech library is used to play associated sound outputs. System settings, RSS feeds, video files are displayed on a LCD screen. A list of voice commands should be updated via the web whenever it is necessary. |
A peer-to-peer file sharing system based on WebDAV (2011_2012_Fall_Spring)
Ömercan Şaşal, Metin Mert Eroğlu, Burak Öz, Ali Can Uçar
Project Description |
The aim of this project is to develop a peer-to-peer file sharing system based on Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol, which enables downloading or uploading files between peers according to a configurable access control list without central infrastructure. The goal of the project is to provide necessary mechanisms for file transfers between any two peers without requiring central infrastructure. Both files/directories locally available on a peer and those externally attached (available on a usb disk attached) to a peer can be shared. In each peer, files and directories shared for both downloading and uploading processes should be chosen. Furthermore, configurable access control lists for these files and directories are determined. In each peer side, both HTTP server/client and WebDAV server/client applications should be running. For file sharing processes, each peer should communicate with other peers in order to maintain its list of peers and users. |
Laser Based Map Building Through Multi-Robot System (2010_2011_Fall_Spring)
Murat Kırtay
Project Description |
This project aims to build map of known and/or unknown environments based on laser sensor readings through Player/ Stage simulation environment. Autonomous robots try to generate the map of an environment with predefined algorithms. The algorithms will be either popular map building approaches such as Simultaneous Localization and Map building (SLAM) or biologically inspired optimization algorithms which are Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Artificial Immune Systems (AIS). Moreover, AI based navigation algorithms will be used for performance comparison of map building algorithms. |
Elektronik Güvenlik Haberleşme Platformu ve Portalı (2009-2010 Fall-Spring)
ÖB, Ali Güder, Oğuz Tuğrul
Project Description |
Elektronik Haberleþme Platformu ve Portalı (EGHPP), • kişiler ve uygulamalar arasýnda ortak kullanılacak entegre bir mesajlaşma ve haberleşme platformunun tesis edilmesi, • platform üzerindeki haberleşmenin, kullanıcı isteğine bağlı olarak açık veya güvenlikli (şifreli) olarak yürütülmesine olanak sağlayacak, • olay kayıtlarını sistemli biçimde yaratacak, saklayacak, otomatik olarak yedekleyecek; bu sayede 5651 sayılı kanunun platform işleticisi ve kullanıcılarına yüklediği yükümlülükleri yerine getirecek, • bu platform kullanıcılarının gerek kendi sistemleri, gerek platform portalı (PP) üzerinden mesaj yollama, mesaj alma, alındı onay gönderme, mesajlaşma ve alındı kayıtları üzerinde sorgulama yapma olanaklarını kullanmasına • platformun gerekli temel (grafik ve/veya komut satırı) yönetim arayüzlerine ek olarak var olan uzaktan yönetim araçlarının kolayca yönetebileceği bir API veya benzeri arayüz sağlamasına olanak sağlayacak bir alt yapı olacaktır. |
A Tool For Cryptographic Operations (2009-2010 Fall-Spring)
Onur Köyceğiz, Nil Kural, Erdem Bayer
Project Description |
Bouncy Castle is a collection of free and open source APIs used in cryptography. Bouncy Castle is Australian in origin and thus American restrictions on the export of cryptographic software do not apply to it. A tool with graphical user interface for Bouncy Castle is designed and developed to carry out cryptographic operations on a personnel computer such as encrypting, decrypting or signing files and mail messages (sending them also), employing digital signatures, providing data integrity, creating and managing X.509 certificates, and implementing some cryptographic protocols. Animations and explanations should be provided to present fundamentals of cryptography for the user. Bouncy Castle includes APIs for both the Java and the C# programming languages. In order to make the tool independent of any platform, APIs for the Java programming language can be used |
Developing Tools for Highly Secure Web Sites ( 2007_2008_Fall_Spring)
Evrim Küçükodacı, Ekin Koskos, Yahya Kaptan Gülez, Önder Atlı
Project Description |
The objective of this project is to develop a central eToken Control System that enables a company users to authenticate its web applications in a secure way. The eToken is a USB-based tool that provides strong user authentication, secure network access, data security and management of the passwords. There are three kinds of users in eToken Control Center System: Master Administrator, Company Administrator, and Users (Customers of Companies). The companies give the user eTokens (provided by the Master Administrator) to their users. The main client is the Master Administrator and he/she has the authority to do add, edit, delete and view operations on companies and users. Users can only edit data, view own information and view own log information. Company and user data are stored in a central database. Users of the system connect to the eToken Control Center by using their eTokens. System understands the kind of the user and his/her authorities from the eToken and provides a restricted authority (according to the user type) to access each of a company's web applications in a secure manner.
Voice Messages Management System ( 2007_2008_Fall_Spring)
Beril Aþar, Eren Koluçolak
Project Description |
“Voice Messages Management System” contains a set of tools that enable its users to manage their voice message operations via a web browser. The complete system aspires to simplify communication through voice messages. This system lets each of its users to create an account, update his/her personal information, record and send scheduled or not scheduled voice messages and receive and listen voice messages. Also users have necessary tools for managing their message postbox. Another important feature is that users can manage their contacts.